Thursday, June 21, 2012

Catching UP!!

So I've slacked the past several weeks and there are so many fun things to share..

In April we enjoyed a too short weekend in Florida with some very special people- the Hurley's. There are few people that you know will always be there for you rain or shine and love you regardless. We love the Hurley's and appreciate all they do and are for us.

Noah finished preschool. He is all ready for kindergarten. My baby is so big!

Chase saved his money and bought a new bike. A Haro which he loves.
Stay tuned for our many summer adventures...

Friday, June 15, 2012

I haven't blogged in about six weeks. Mainly because I didn't feel like anyone would notice if I did or not (pity-party me!). But my mom called me and asked me what was up with my blog and wondered why there were no new posts so my faith was renewed! We've been so busy the past month. Chase finished first grade, Noah graduated preschool and we spent a week in Arkansas with my grandma. It is already shaping up to be a wonderful summer. My mind goes from one vacation to the next. I had a wonderful visit with my grandma. I did not want to come home. Who would? She lives on several acres and the kids had so much fun riding quads, catching frogs, hunting snakes, tractor rides, mud sliding and more. Plus my grandma cooked for me and did my laundry for a week. It was wonderful. Here are some highlights:

Noah, Chase and their cousin Rylee

Me and my brother Brad who goes to college in Russellville and my beautiful grandma.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I haven't been sleeping well. Tomorrow the hottie husband and I have to get up at a very ungodly hour and get to the airport to catch a 6 a.m. (awful right?) flight to Florida. While I am excited for the weekend away and to see some very very special people, I always get extremely nervous and anxious leaving my kids. Especially when we both leave the kids. I drive my husband slightly crazy about the whole thing. My mom, who is amazing and wonderful and whom my kids adore, is coming and will have things in perfect control. It's not that I worry about. My boys will be fine. More than fine actually because it will be a few days filled with games, the park, the Dollar Tree and much more fun stuff that doesn't usually accompany mom and dad. It's me who isn't fine. They are my whole life and leaving them means leaving a part of myself. So today I am going to take deep breaths. I am going to look forward to visiting good friends that we don't see often and I am going to enjoy my husband. But being the Type A personality I am, I will be texting my mom for the little reassurances and I will be anticipating Monday when I am back home. Then Tuesday will come and my mom will leave and I will be wishing that just for a few hours she was back to entertain them. It's a vicious cycle this thing called motherhood. But it's wonderful and I am so thankful.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Here are some Simple Acts of Gratitude:

               Begin a gratitude journal. I am doing this myself this year. I love journals. Every year it is my intent to keep one. I buy these beautiful books and write one or two pages and then nothing. But the thought of it occurs to me at the start of every year. This year I am going to keep it simple. Every day write down 5 things I’m grateful for. I challenge you to do the same. It’s okay if you are repetitive, there are no rules- it’s your journal. Just take the time to write down what you are grateful for that day. It will be interesting to see how this helps us and where we are a year from now. I have a feeling that if we are faithful with this, we will discover many things about ourselves and our outlook will change both with our physical self as well as our spiritual self.

               Practice praise. Nothing opens our eyes to the gifts we have been given more than focusing on the Giver. Find at least one new thing to praise God for each day. We are more blessed than we realize. Let’s thank our maker!

               Stay alert for those “God nudges” and be grateful when you sense them. When you feel like you should be doing something for someone, act on it. Keep track of those nudges. Write them down, nothing how you responded and the outcome. When we practice listening for that still small voice we become better at hearing it.

               Thank God in all circumstances. There is reason for everything in our lives. This means that sometimes you’ll thank Him for not so good things in your life. But if we look past just the circumstance itself, there is often a blessing to go with it. We just have to be open to what God is taking us to. You don’t reach the top of the mountain without climbing it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I read a book sometime back on Discovering the Power of Generosity.  I found so much of what the author had to say intriguing, that I thought I would share parts of it with you over the next several days in my blog. I believe one of the best tools in soul winning today is through generosity. Simple acts of kindness. It can be through your time, helping out someone in need or just listening to someone who is hurting. Regardless of the act itself, generosity in all forms wins people. Is shows you care. And as a result, makes you a better person- someone who is aware of those around them and their needs. It forces you to look beyond your own needs and desires and look at the world around you.

 One thing that the author brought out was that before you can really focus on generosity, you have to embrace gratitude. Gratitude, thankfulness, or appreciation is defined as a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgement of a benefit that one has received or will receive. The Bible talks more about praising God than anything else. When we have a thankful heart, despite our circumstances, we lighten our load. Nothing jump-starts our gratitude like practicing a habit of praise. King David, who expressed his gratitude all throughout the book of Psalms, was called a man after God’s own heart. Isn’t that what we’d like to be? Simply reading his psalms of praise is an ideal way to build gratitude in our lives.

 A large body of recent work has suggested that people who are more grateful have higher levels of well-being. Grateful people are happier, less depressed, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives and social relationships. Grateful people also have higher levels of control of their environments, personal growth, purpose in life, and self acceptance. Simply put, being grateful and showing thanks can’t hurt…

 In an article in Guideposts, “The Power of Gratitude”, Dr. Stephen Post shares five things he discovered about gratitude:

 1.      Gratitude defends. Just fifteen minutes a day focusing on the things you’re grateful for will significantly increase your body’s natural anitbodies.

2.      Gratitude sharpens. Naturally grateful people are more focused mentally and are measurably less vulnerable to clinical depression.

3.      Gratitude calms. A grateful state of mind induces a physiological state called resonance that’s associated with healthier blood pressure and heart rate.

4.      Gratitude strengthens. Caring for others is draining. But grateful caregivers are healthier and more capable than less grateful ones.

5.      Gratitude heals. It’s been shown that recipients of donated organs who have the most grateful attitudes heal faster.

 Gratitude gives back. When we practice it, not only do we grow in our trust of God, but we benefit physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

As we acknowledge all have, we learn to praise God for all He has done for us. We learn that our material things aren’t the most important. We come full circle. You have to understand gratitude before we can discover the power of generosity. Gratitude is the basis for giving. Grumpy, stingy people cannot live in the spirit of generosity. In order to be able to open our hands to give, we first have to give thanks for all we’ve been given.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


A few things I love about Sunday...

... my boys get up super excited to go to Sunday School
... we have our own building now and don't have to smell the Senior Center or watch our clocks (my Mo Val peeps will know, smile and understand)
... lunch after church with family and friends
... Sunday afternooons to chill and enjoy
... i love that i am free to go to church and worship as i choose
... i especially love Sundays this time of year where the days are longer and the evenings cool

I'm especially grateful today for no particular reason except that I have a wonderful husband and children. I love my home and my church family. I love my family. I'm thankful for food and warmth and a car that runs and clean clothes. I'm thankful for life and if you are reading this then you are special to me also and I'm thankful for you! Have a blessed week! XO

Friday, April 20, 2012

Can you make tea cause we don't have any?
Can you buy some more sprite cause I don't want us to run out?
Are we there yet?
Why didn't Dad ride with us?
Why does Dad need to go early?
Will you open my side first when we get home?
Are we there yet?
Do I have school tomorrow?
Why do we have church at night sometimes and then in the day sometimes?
Are we there yet?

....And these are just a few of the questions that I remember on our 10 minute ride home from church last night. All from my Noah. And yes there were at least three "Are we there yet?" and possibly more. Is he a cutie or what?